The Middle Child…In The Beginning


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The Middle Child ImageBeing the middle child has more disadvantages than many people would think…at least, when you’re born into a family like mine. Yet even now I find myself telling and laughing at the occasional “middle child” joke. The reason I even bring this up is because it played a significant part in my life. My older sister and brother (half siblings by blood) were 6 and 5 years older than myself and my younger brother (also a half sibling by blood) and I were separated by another 5 years. That means that my older and younger siblings were fortunate enough to escape much of what I’m about to tell you.

No child should have to cover their head with a pillow and bump it up and down against the mattress just to muffle out their mother’s screaming, crying and pleas for help but that seemed to be a nightly thing for me. When asked, the doctor’s simply said it was a nervous habit. That’s it…no investigation as to why or what may have caused it. Back then, even if there was a “CPS” or Child Protective Services, they weren’t interested in me…mainly for the fact that I wasn’t the one being beaten, my mother was…by, if I recall correctly, every man she’s ever been with , except the last. In those days, domestic violence laws were also different.

Now before you assume my mom was always the innocent victim and I’m in no way condoning domestic violence of ANY kind…she was frequently a willing instigator if not participant herself. Drugs and alcohol tend to do that to people. Make them into monsters, or at the very least, bring out the dark evil side in them. Of course, that is how one little girl saw it.

To be continued….

Through the Looking Glass… My Awakening


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Can You Remember Who You Were

My Journey Inward Begins

Somehow I instinctively knew the day would come, the day I feared most of all even though I repeatedly convinced myself I had successfully dodged it throughout the years. The day in which I would begin my inevitable journey of introspection and be forced to take a good hard look at me….and my past… and begin healing, truly healing, from the inside out making way for necessary growth and transformation.  When I no longer had a role to fill, as daughter, wife, mommy or mentor but was instead simply left being me….the woman. Little did I know how painfully hard it was going to be.  If I had, I would have feared it that much more. Yet alas, that day did finally come, about eight years ago.  That was the day my painstaking journey of self discovery began.  The day my psychological floodgates flew wide open releasing every memory, thought or emotion I had ever repressed and stealing every ounce of clarity and self-esteem I had left leaving my entire world and everything I knew as true, upside down.

You know, it’s funny how little each of us REALLY knows about ourselves.  How little we really know about life and our world, and how little we really know about each other. Most of us stumble through days, months, years and even lifetimes completely delusional about who we are and how we fit into the grand scheme of things.  When we are young and inexperienced, we are fearlessly naïve with a false sense of empowerment yet as we age and mature and have been kicked around by life a little our perspective becomes broader and our ego lessens. It’s then that we realize the older we get, the LESS we actually do know…and that my friends, approaching the twilight of our life, is very unsettling.

At the risk of sounding cliché and for the lack of a better analogy, people really are like onions.  We have many layers…multidimensional beings, some of us more than others and each layer or dimension is tainted by the many variables we meet throughout our lives such as dysfunctional families, traumatic childhoods, sociological influences and personal life experiences to name just a few.  One of the many things my journey has taught me is that deep down inside of all of us, once we’ve painfully peeled away layer after layer, is our core being.  The pure, untainted knowing self.  Who we REALLY are, who we were at birth before life left its many marks and who we must all strive to get back to.  The essential being that’s entwined with all life and all things, our enlightened selves.

To Be Continued…

Emotional Abuse: Crushing A Woman’s Heart


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rise above


The moment I read this article I knew I needed to share it. I know that oftentimes emotional abuse has longer lasting affects, creates deeper wounds that eventually become scars and can be potentially more difficult to heal from than many forms of physical abuse. I know this….because I am also a survivor.  A woman who is on the road to recovery……and in dire need of healing from ALL forms of abuse herself.

Thank you Bernice, from the bottom of my heart, for reaching out to battered women everywhere with your beautiful spirit, your vast wisdom and your brilliant insight…….
Crushing a Woman’s Heart….

Is there anyone out there who truly wants to know a woman’s heart? Oh, how deep it goes and how beautiful it is when discovered!

She waits for someone to come like Prince Charming in the story of Cinderella who saw the perfect jewel of who she was when everyone else around her had missed it. The questions of the feminine heart from the time she is tiny are those which innocently ask, “Am I beautiful? Would you fight for me?”Too often the answers she finds are shallow and non-committal. The man she turns to is caught up in his own story. Unlike the Prince, he searches for the answers to his own questions in life expecting her to fit into his idea of who she should be for him. He thinks the source of his happiness should be this woman he has chosen. He needs her. She fills the”gap” of emotional belonging that he craves. Out of his own insecurity and low self-image, he fears he is not able to hold her in the way he needs to so he bullies her. He is possessive and monopolizes her time and attention.
Unable to look within himself at his own lack of character because of his feelings of inadequacy or inferiority, he challenges her in all of her weak areas. She is vulnerable to criticism and to taking responsibility for the relationship because it is relationship that shehas been designed to build. She becomes convinced that if she could only change, he would be happier.But the hole within him is so large. It is too big for her to fill. And he is going to the wrong source for his answers. Unknown to either of them, no matter how she tries, she will never be enough for him. The consequences are severe. Like rose petals in their prime discarded and ground by his heel into the dirt, her spirit is crushed.To the outside world, her husband often appears charming, a hard worker, dedicated to his family. But his desperation to look that way is so highly important to him that he carefully prunes the image in public saving his deep-seated anger for those behind closed doors. His accusations are unreasonable and unfair always directing attention away from himself.In her article “The Silent Killer of Christian Marriages”, Amy Wildman White says, “For anyone who works with abusive men, the most frustrating characteristic is their lack of insight. When interacting with this type of individual, one is often left feeling as if he or she has just gone in circles. Issues presented are minimized, denied, or turned around to make someone else responsible, or a host of other topics are brought in to sidetrack the conversation. The process of change is most often slow or nonexistent.”

She also says, “Although the behaviors in and of themselves are forms of abuse, it is the constant climate of destruction that leaves a woman believing she is trapped, with no confidence or hope that there is a way out. A woman in an emotionally abusive marriage does not believe she has any choices. She believes she carries the responsibility for the bad marriage and that if only she could change, her marriage would improve. No matter what she does differently, however, the marriage never gets better.”

Piece by piece, moment by moment she is bombarded with the messages: “No, you are not beautiful. You can’t get anything right. Your dreams and desires and needs don’t matter. You are such a disappointment.” Many times over different variations of these words beat at a woman’s soul. She dies inside, the messages confirmed: I am not valuable, I am worthless.The words to Martina McBride’s song float through my mind….

She loved him like he was the last man on earth, gave him everything she ever had.

He’d break her spirit down, then come lovin’ up on her, give a little then take it back.

She’d tell him about her dreams, he’d just shoot ’em down…Lord, he loved to make her cry.

You’re crazy for believin’ you’ll ever leave the ground, he said, Only angels know how to fly.

What hope is there for us, oh women, who are convinced there is no such thing as a Knight in Shining Armor? Listen to the words of the One who tells mere man how to love you. Please know that your desire to be loved in this way is not wrong, it is inherent! This love is what was intended for you all along.


Give your life to bring out her beauty.

Discover the mystery of who she is, of what she dreams;

Watch to see what inspires and impassions her…and then make it happen.

Don’t let anything get in the way of her becoming all she is supposed to become.

Cherish her, support her, fight for her, challenge her and refine her.


By doing this, men, you are doing yourselves a favor, for by loving a woman like this, she will be your most tender, loyal, powerful counterpart for life!


“How do I know this is what she needs?  I know because I made her.

I know her in depth as part of My own heart.  This is how I,

her Eternal Lover, actively devote Myself to her!”


Does God know a woman’s heart? If you can get past the age old thinking in these verses referring to the “rules” of marriage,you will see the amazing sparkling diamond. God knows EXACTLY how to love a woman. He is handing her over to man with specific instructions about HOW to love her while she lives here on earth away from Him. Woman also has been given a road map to a man’s heart:

“Wives, trust your husband as though you are trusting Me. Let him be your shelter. He is the guardian of all that I have put within you and I have entrusted him with My own strength, wisdom and ability to draw out the deepest beauty within you. He would die to rescue you without thought for himself just as I would… and did. Let him be who I made him to be. Come beneath his wing.”

My paraphrase:

These are the instructions given to us. But in a world sadly far from its original intent, this is, too often, not the reality.

Raise your eyes to the Big Picture. We live in enemy territory. God’s enemy, Satan, takes whatever God pronounced good and seeks with vengeance to destroy it. Past pain, disappointment, neglect and selfishness devastate a man’s heart as much as a woman’s. The result is a paralyzed inability to love as God planned it to be. So where do we turn when the man in our lives physically or emotionally discards us?

Here is the rest of the song “Broken Wing” by Martina McBride:

And with a broken wing, she still sings, she keeps an eye on the sky.

With a broken wing she carries her dreams. Man, you ought to see her fly!

No matter what the circumstances in our lives, there are some “unchangeables” that we must cling to:

1. God is the One Who instructs a man how to love us because HE loves us like that! When we face a break in this human love, God is still there knowing how to love us and offering Himself as our Knight in Shining Armor. He has always been in love with us and falling in love with Him is easy once we know that.

2. God has built a dream into the very depth of our hearts.Just because we lose our way or find ourselves trampled down, that dream doesn’t change or go away. It’s always there and always will be. We need to fly even with a broken wing! We are gifted and talented and strong in many ways.Finding and pursuing OUR PURPOSE can absorb hurt like a sponge!

So many women walk around like the living dead. Their hearts are crushed and they are convinced of their own worthlessness. This is a waste of something so precious! There are many that I have worked with over the past few years. Because of my own experiences with the Prince of the Universe, I have been able to discern their own uniqueness and value; it takes time but establishing these things is like watering a desert place!

At first it sinks in and seems to have no effect because the ground is so dry. But as the lies are discarded and the truth of their strengths and amazing unique qualities begin to emerge, it is as if lush green plants and beautiful flowers begin to take over the wastelands. A new light floods their whole beings and a new reason to live begins to motivate them. They hold the hand of their true Husband and they walk a new walk with a new confidence. Truly, they begin to fly!

Yes, sometimes it means taking strong action like leaving their husbands. Unfortunately, at times, this is the only way to catch the man’s attention. When faced with such measures, he will often begin to seek the help he needs and they begin to heal the broken places in their relationship. And sometimes he will not have anything to do with restoration. Even so, it is not the end of life. It is a new season in which a woman can begin to truly experience her own freedom and individual healing. She learns to soar despite her wounds and finds her real identity in the eyes of the One with Whom she will spend all of eternity.

Never give up hope! Reach out for help and discernment no matter how badly you feel you are to blame for the problems in your relationship. Let God into your deepest heart. Allow Him to begin to love you as you need to be loved. He will give you wings and teach you how to fly!”

By Bernice Lupo


Bernice Lupo is a wife and mom, a Christian Life Coach,author, speaker and trainer. She lives to inspire others to discover and live out the adventure of their personal design – the gold of who they are. Her highly acclaimed system, “Refining the GOLD: Transforming Cinderella is assisting many women in finding freedom, new love and a re-energized zest for living.

OMG…NOT Another Blogger!


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Hi I’m Debbie (aka – angelheart)….

I’m a middle aged mom of 3 amazing young men. My oldest who is 24 yrs old finished his term serving our country as a Navy Corpsman and is currently making a living working for a mining company. My other 2 are identical twins who at 19 bought their own home and currently at age 23 have a thriving carpet cleaning business. Now before I continue I want it to go on record that I AM without a doubt extremely proud of my children and although it’s been a rough ride as their parent, if I had to choose between doing it exactly the same way all over again and having them OR doing things completely different and not, without hesitation, I wouldn’t CHANGE a THING!

Not unlike most people, I had grand plans for my life growing up. I carefully mapped out the steps I would take through each stage to attain my goals and was convinced that I alone was in control of my destiny. Boy was I ever wrong! Now, I’ve always believed in creation… in fact, you could sort of say I was born with the knowledge that somewhere out there is a powerful immortal being completely responsible for creating ALL that there is and continues to teach us, guide us and even intervene in our lives when absolutely necessary. With that said, In my mind, I was soooo smart, I was convinced that my plans for my life were aligned with His perfectly…. Boy was I WRONG again!!! In hindsight, I can honestly say with 100% accuracy and to my surprise, that exactly the OPPOSITE of what I planned out for my life has taken place.

Needless to say, for much of my life I’ve felt like a mere puppet or perhaps only a spectator in a constant state of shock as I spin through chapter after chapter of a life that was planned FOR ME by a universal force so powerful it couldn’t be stopped. All of my goals now are only distant memories and unrealized dreams. Instead, I’ve lived a life of complete uncertainty and damage control….so much so that I now believe that my sole purpose in life was to be nothing more than “the” cosmic “whipping girl. Okay, Okay, so I’m exaggerating a bit, but at this stage in my life I’m left with trying to figure out…where to go from here. What I once thought was reality….clearly isn’t. and that knowledge to me, my friends, is quite unsettling because the older I get, the less adaptable and weary I have become….hence my journey to self discovery in this, my latter stage of life and the intense need to finally make sense of this crazy mixed up world before I leave it. Won’t you join me as I dedicate my Blog to doing just that? I truly welcome your thoughts, feelings and feedback.